Every pregnancy starts out with a 3-5% chance of having a birth defect. Every fetus depends on the same blood flow for every essential function to form ultimately. I'm sure all will be fine. I am sure everything is fine since you only took it one time. sensitivity to light. For these, please consult a doctor (virtually or in person). Scolaro, K. L. (2015). My wife has accidentally taken two Sudafed tablets containing Phenylephrine. Dilated blood vessels can cause hemorrhoids. Some options include: Read more: Treating a cold or flu when pregnant . The safety of phenylephrine during pregnancy isn't completely clear, and the FDA recommends avoiding aspirin during pregnancy at 20 weeks or laterdue to a potential risk of harm to the unborn baby. It states that there are no adequate studies to determine the safety of intravenous phenylephrine during pregnancy. What if I accidentally took phenylephrine while pregnant? The following steps can help: Working with your doctor can help you treat your congestion symptoms while keeping your pregnancy safe. Sudafed PE contains phenylephrine that acts to narrow blood vessels. Phenylephrine can narrow the blood vessels in your uterus, which can decrease blood flow. Sudafed PE is not recommended during pregnancy, simply because there haven't been any studies to prove its safety. The real dangers are pregnancy category X like accutane. Pregnancy After Miscarriage: Answers to Your Questions, What Is a Nurse Midwife and How to Tell If They Are Right for You, burning, stinging, or sneezing right after you use the nasal spray, increased fluid intake: helps flush cold viruses out of the body, hot showers or vaporizers: provide steam to help clear nasal passages, humidifiers: add moisture to the air and help your sinuses drain. 5. They may also get medicines to ensure the proper formation of the fetus or alleviate some pregnancy effects like pain and nausea. So I know a little bit, enough to look it up :). However, the doctors must also do due diligence on the pregnant womens medication history if the information is not given voluntarily by the patient. Pseudoephedrine is a decongestant that has been used to treat nasal congestion ("stuffy nose") caused by colds or allergies. Instead of worrying the safety of phenylephrine, you can use the following natural remedies to relieve your respiratory problems. I'm 24 weeks. ), Handbook of nonprescription drugs: An interactive approach to self-care (18th ed.). I accidentally used phenylephrine hcl 0.25% hemorrhoid gel on my back (instead of hydrocortisone 1%). Studies involving more than 1,500 people who were pregnant and took phenylephrine in the first trimester did not show an increased chance for birth defects. This may later lead to birth defects, including heart problems in the baby. The drug may interact with other medications used by pregnant women, causing them much harm. Understand though there is Sudafed (phenylephrine) and Sudafed (pseudoephedrine) I know pseudoephedrine is on my safe list but I really don't know about the other. Is It Safe to Use OTC Colace During Pregnancy? However, it is recommended to seek your doctors advice for long-term solutions since prolonged use of nasal sprays can cause rebound congestion (17). Instead of taking phenylephrine while pregnant, a light workout or walk can help clear your blocked nose. Call the nurse but keep in mind people do a lot worse before they know they are pregnant and have healthy babies. Read the label and avoid any OTC medicines containing phenylephrine. In D. L. Krinsky, S. P. Fereri, B. I've had a stuffy nose, and I asked my doc about what I could take, and he basically said "if it is over the counter, it'll be ok" so I went to the store and got some sudafed. If you accidentally took Phentermine while pregnant, avoid doing it again and report it to your doctor. You take an intranasal drug directly into the nose, typically by a spray. (l live in a small town and due to being a "frequent flyer" for hydration since I have my entire colon and rectum removed and was told I woudl probably be frequenting for that reason. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classified intravenous phenylephrine as a Pregnancy Category C drug. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) recommend using pseudoephedrine during pregnancy. I wouldn't be too hard on yourself or your husband. Pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine are pregnancy category C in all three trimesters of pregnancy. Drink water and other fluids throughout the day to clear congestion and keep your body and unborn baby healthy. Top answers from doctors based on your search: Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. I highly doubt you did anyhting to hurt the baby, but if you are worried call your Ob. It acts as a vasoconstrictor, which explains its efficacy as a nasal decongestant because it causes nasal passages to constrict. Keep your head in the steam environment, inhaling and exhaling the steam for several minutes. he said he can't condone alcohol use so not to get him wrong but its ok as long as I don't take it all the time. Well, my husband brought home a sinus congestion and pain medicine. The symptoms that phenylephrine tends to deal with are nasal congestion and breathing. If you experience side effects, then stop using the drug, and see a doctor. Phenylephrine is a constituent of many over-the-counter (OTC) medications. Regular cardio exercises improve the condition of your airways and help you sleep better. For more information, please see the MotherToBaby fact sheet Paternal Exposures at https://mothertobaby.org/fact-sheets/paternal-exposures-pregnancy/. Studies have not been done to see if phenylephrine can cause behavior or learning issues for the child. If you use a decongestant, it may be best to choose one that has only one active ingredient (not one with many active ingredients). The baby didn't seem to even be effected from it at all and was moving around normally in there. Injectable: Common side effects of phenylephrine for injection include the following: nausea. What if I accidentally took phenylephrine while pregnant? Available for Android and iOS devices. I am so scared that I made a small mistake like that because I'm only in my first trimester and I know what a sensitive time this is for the babies. Because phenylephrine can make blood vessels smaller (constrict), there are theoretical concerns that using this medication could reduce blood flow through the placenta (organ that grows during pregnancy to supply the developing baby with food and oxygen). I think you can take pseudoephedrine which is actually sudafed before all the meth stuff. Still looking for answers? So I checked before I went to Walmart and it said I could take Sudafed. I was prescribed amoxicillin & phenylephrine hcl for sinusitis. Overdose symptoms may include feeling restless or nervous, severe dizziness, sweating, vomiting, hallucinations, fast or uneven heart rate, fainting, seizure (convulsions), and weak or shallow breathing. If this has only occurred once then she should be fine, but do not take the next due dose. :). This information should not take the place of medical care and advice from your healthcare provider. Your Guide to a Pregnancy-Safe Skin Care Routine. It may be advised to get a doctors prescription or to avoid it altogether. Is It Safe To Use Mucinex While Pregnant or Breastfeeding? 3 Tips That Help My Patients Prevent Birth Defects, Birth Defects Prevention Month Series: Making Medication Decisions in Pregnancy Doesnt Have to Be Lonely, Help for the Holidays: Surviving Stress During Pregnancy, Eczema (Moderate-to-Severe)/Atopic Dermatitis, Pertussis/Tdap vaccine (Whooping Cough vaccine). Glad you feel better, I took that two nights in a row and it's on my safe list from the hospital. Copyright 2011 - 2023 MomJunction Private Limited. I am 14 weeks pregnant with my second and I have had an awful head cold for the past couple of days. In general, exposures that fathers or sperm donors have are unlikely to increase the risks to a pregnancy. Some common ones include the following: Many other generic products also contain phenylephrine; itis usually combined with other drugs including guaifenesin and dextromethorphan. Taking Pseudoephedrine While Breastfeeding Taking Medications While Pregnant and Professional Treatment Available in the form of popular over-the-counter (OTC) medications, pseudoephedrine products frequently make pharmacist-recommended lists as top sellers, alongside acid reducers, acne treatments, and athlete's foot creams. Prolonged use or overdosing can worsen or may cause the return of your nasal decongestant (6). Only 40 percent of phenylephrine taken orally becomes bioavailable, or useable, within the human body. However, women who have high blood pressure should not take pseudoephedrine without first talking to a doctor. 39 kilogram is equal to 85.98028218 pounds. For these reasons, many doctors suggest non-drug treatment for nasal congestion during pregnancy. Some studies show that using phenylephrine in the first trimester may cause congenital disabilities in the baby; however, other studies do not find any risk involved in its usage. Phenylephrine combined with certain other medications can trigger fear, restlessness, and anxiety in some people. For potential or actual medical emergencies, immediately call 911 or your local emergency service. Based on the studies reviewed, it is not known if phenylephrine increases the chance for birth defects above the background risk. Eat more vitamin C-richfoods such as fruits and veggies. A female asked: We will also briefly discuss ways to deal with cold-like symptoms without any medications for pregnant women. What happens if you accidentally take 2 not 1 tablets of one a day allergy tablets. This reduces the secretions in the nasal passages and opens up the airways. This sheet is about exposure to phenylephrine in pregnancy and while breastfeeding. There is no known link between short-term use of intranasal phenylephrine and birth defects or other harm to a pregnancy. This is because of the way phenylephrine works. fast or irregular heart beat. Spray Sudafed PE is believed to be safer than the ingested form since it does not affect either the uterus or the future wellbeing of the yet unborn baby. Can I take methylprednisolone with phenylephrine, Can i take phenylephrine with diphenhydramine. Briggs, G. G., Freeman, R. K., & Yaffe, S. J. An associated member of the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynecology and a member of the European Society of Aesthetic Gynecology, Dr. Sayyads focus area is cosmetic gynecology including intimate surgery. If you have a runny nose or nasal congestion during pregnancy, you may long for relief. The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. OTIS/MotherToBaby encourages inclusive and person-centered language. Because they do the same thing, theyre not used together in combination medications. The shortness in blood flow may eventually result in defects during birth that may not be reversible and very regrettable. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. Cough drops with benzocaine or menthol are usually approved for use during pregnancy. These are important to consider during pregnancy when your comfort and your babys health are primary concerns. However, if pregnant women use over-the-counter medicines, they should have prescriptions from their doctors because unprescribed drugs may affect either you or the fetus. HELP me feel better PLEASE!! Some studies state that the use of phenylephrine as a decongestant in the, Phenylephrine As A Vasopressor During Pregnancy. the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information. To get that last bit of lotion (or whatever) out of the bottle, heat one cup of water in a two-cup measuring cup, in the microwave for a minute or two. http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/health_advice/facts/medicinesi states "Nasal decongestants, such as pseudoephedrine, phenylephrine, xylometazoline, oxymetazoline should also be avoided as there is insufficient evidence of their safety. Phenylephrine rectal is used on the rectum to relieve itching, burning, irritation, and. But its vasoconstricting property might constrict uterine blood vessels, which may cause birth defects. Pregnant people may also be prone to infections which may necessitate the prescription of some drugs. The cough suppressant dextromethorphan is often found in over-the-counter cold medicines like Robitussin and is considered safe for pregnant women. See a medical professional for personalized consultation. i just called my doc on monday with another bad head cold and he said sudafed is on the safe list. Learn how we can help. That is what they are there for. Phenylephrine has also been used to treat temporary low blood pressure caused by anesthesia used during surgeries. The more common side effects of phenylephrine can include: Serious side effects are usually caused by swallowing the intranasal product by accident. Stop taking this medicine and call your doctor right away if you have skin redness or a rash that spreads and causes blistering and peeling. Custom boutique photography for newborns, children, families, seniors, and weddings Yes, call the doc. Repeat with the other side and keep alternating until you can feel some relief of the congestion. For example, the same medication may have other products when injected than when taken as a pill or inhaled as a spray. Infographic: Alternatives To Phenylephrine. Pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine are available over the counter as Sudafed and are safe for many women to use during pregnancy. Even if you are allowedto use this medicine, for the safety of you and your baby, you shouldavoid it during the first trimester. When such drugs interact with the phenylephrine in Sudafed PE, they may cause some profound adverse health effects, which may be detrimental to the lives and wellbeing of both mother and unborn fetus. Phenyephrine at 60mgs may be quite risky for anyone with even minimal blood pressure or stroke risks. It is advisable to always check with your doctor before using any OTC medication during pregnancy, as they may be harmful to you and your baby. Is it safe to take cough remedies containing phenylephrine while pregnant? Open the Facebook app on your device and tap the menu button. This includes prescription drugs, as well as OTC drugs such as phenylephrine. I'd like to offer another piece of advicewhen you are unsure about something or just feel afraid, don't hesitate to call your doctor. I just looked it up and it's unsafe during pregnancy. Therefore, you should seek a doctors advice before using a nasal decongestant containing phenylephrine. 2005-2023 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. You could take some Benedryl to help you sleep too. Phenylephrine information for Healthcare Professionals. next day, i found out i'm pregnant. What should I do? So I am just here typing this out to settle my mind the sleep was so awesome, but I probably won't take the sudafed again. Research suggests that phenylephrine thats taken by mouth is not safe for pregnant women. While our name still contains a reference to mothers, we are updating our resources with more inclusive terms. GOD BLESS PS. Atleast you now know! By using our website, you consent to our use of cookies. An associated member of the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynecology and a member of the European Society of Aesth more, Shreeja holds a postgraduate degree in Chemistry and diploma in Drug Regulatory Affairs from the University of Mumbai. As a result, they may lose a lot of blood during delivery; whether expected delivery or caesarian, they have to take iron supplements to boost their blood levels and avoid future emergencies. We all make mistakes. OH, the other prob. Medical Ask an Expert Medical Questions How old are you and what is your gender? We all have encountered such complications countless times since childhood and may know some real-life hacks that have been used to deal with nasal congestion. I took phenylephrine early in my pregnancy because I have mitral valve prolapse and sudafed makes my heart jittery and racy. What do you know about pregnancy and medications? (2014, October 15). I had to call ALOT with my last pregnancy and my doctor told me she had rather I err on the side of caution. She will calm you down and you will be fine. For whatever reason, I got to thinking about it---I wonder if it does matter. 1997-2023 BabyCenter, LLC, a Ziff Davis company. Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. Your healthcare providers can talk with you about the benefits of treating your condition and the risks of untreated illness during pregnancy. . Please note, we cannot prescribe controlled substances, diet pills, antipsychotics, or other abusable medications. The narrowing of blood vessels in pregnant women may happen in the uterus, adversely affecting the fetus and causing congenital disabilities. Before joining MomJunction, she worked as a research analyst with a leading multinational pharmaceutical company. I have a list that my OBGYN gives out to pregnant women with like all the OTC medicines we can and cannot take for different ailments. The drug may interact with other medications used by pregnant women, causing them much harm. These drugs are used for things such as managing labor and treating postpartum bleeding. accidentally took phenylephrine while pregnant first trimester check llc names texas forest river park model with loft 1976 ford f600 specs 2006 saturn vue ac relay. Phenylephrine has also been used to treat temporary low blood pressure caused by anesthesia used during surgeries. Sometimes when people find out they are pregnant, they think about changing how they take their medication, or stopping their medication altogether. Cold-like symptoms may make your nasal passage extremely congested. Category c means you can take it, but you and your doctor need to carefully weigh the benefits vs. Exactly when our "governmental experts" lost their heads is unclear to me. Phenylephrine is not safe for consumption by pregnant women, especially in the first trimester of their pregnancy. Sometimes when people find out they are pregnant, they think about changing how they take their medication, or stopping their medication altogether. That may reduce the amount of blood flowing into the uterus. 2023 The Heart & Brain. First, take a deep breath, because you are past the embryonic stage where most damage from chemicals would occur. It's not as strong as regular Sudafed actually. However, when administered intranasally, for localized effect, phenylephrine carries less risk than when given systemically (2). Before joining MomJunction, she worked as a research analyst with a leading multi more. Dr. Antoneta, Doctor 8,817 Satisfied Customers Taking phenylephrine chronically could cause growth restriction (small size related to decreased blood flow to the baby). Does anyone know anything about this??? nchavez@mothertobaby.org, Copyright 2023 The Organization of Teratology Information Specialists, MotherToBaby, a service of the Organization of Teratology Information Specialists, https://mothertobaby.org/fact-sheets/paternal-exposures-pregnancy/, A Main Course Of Knowledge With A Side Of Support, Please! Is it safe to take more than one phenylephrine hcl 10mg tablet at a time? Since the first best blood pressure medication for kidneys part of the theory of human rights came out, people of all kinds have published at least eight or ten pamphlets to attack how to lower systolic blood pressure fast it, but as far as I know, none of them has been republished. What will happen to my baby if i took a cough remedy containing phenylephrine while pregnant? The adult dose of acetaminophen is 650 mg every 4 to 6 hours. Her interest in the field of medical research has developed her passion for writing research-based articles. Get answers: What happens during the trimesters of pregnancy? Here's what you need to know. i was talking with my doc, and the REAL sudafed (the stuff behind the counter) is okay the sudafed stored on the shelves isn't but he didn't say why just cuz its over the counter doesn't mean its okay for us! Some of the side effects may go away as your body gets used to the medication. Can phenylephrine cause you to fail a drug screen for amphetamines? The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. Drugs in pregnancy and lactation: A reference guide to fetal and neonatal risk. Colds and Allergy. I hope your wife was fine! Intranasal administration of this decongestant poses lower risks during pregnancy. At that dose, every four hours, one may risk getting on a "list" of potential "methamphetamine manufacturers". This information should not take the place of medical care and advice from your healthcare provider. It is also used to relieve sinus congestion and pressure. Medications and More during pregnancy and breastfeeding. I accidentally took phenylephrine!! What if I accidentally took phenylephrine while pregnant? 8 Important Tips To Choose The Right-Fit Pregnancy Bra, 14 Important Precautions To Take During First Three Months Of Pregnancy. Research has also looked at the connection between NSAIDs and birth defects. One time shouldn't be a problem, I wouldnt think. It's normal to wonder whether therapy is right for you. Will she be okay? Ultra-Rapid Metabolism of Codeine and Other Risk Factors for Life-Threatening Respiratory Depression in Children But it did not find any association of first-trimester exposure to phenylephrine and ear, eye defects, and club foot in the baby. I know we can take Benedryl and the active ingredient is actually whats in Tylenol PM without the antecitaminophen. I wouldn't think that you have anything to worry about. If you're pregnant, don't take Alka-Seltzer Plus Severe Cold And Cough until you've talked to your provider first. I am also a high risk pregnancy. Overheating In Pregnancy: Signs, Causes, Risks And Prevention, 6 Common Eye Infections In Pregnancy: Symptoms, Treatment, And Care, 8 Hair & Foot Spa Dos & Donts During Pregnancy, What Causes Round Ligament Pain During Pregnancy And How To Get Relief. Another case study supported the hypothesis that the use of phenylephrine as a nasal decongestant in the first trimester increased the risk of endocardial cushion defect(2). cheer up some women smoke and their kids are fine, i ain't saying smoke but you stopped t hings should be fine. We comply with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information. Sudafed PE is just a different sinus decongestant. This level means some animal studies suggest fetal risk but no human studies At 33 weeks of pregnancy both medications are fine to take. Hope that helps, and good luck with your pregnancy! :). Try searching for what you seek or ask your own question. I've read several sites that these OTC meds. Today I couldn't breathe through my nose and my head hurt from the sinus pressure. This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. I take phenylephrine. These products may combine phenylephrine with other drugs such as guaifenesin (which loosens mucus) and dextromethorphan (a cough suppressant). Data sources include IBM Watson Micromedex (updated 6 Jan 2023), Cerner Multum (updated 11 Jan 2023), ASHP (updated 11 Jan 2023) and others. If any of these side effects cause problems for you or dont go away, call your doctor. 4.8k views Answered >2 years ago. Drape a bath towel over your head and breathe deeply for 5 minutes. In general, intranasal decongestants should only be used for three days at a time. the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information. Reasons why you should not take Sudafed PE while pregnant, 1. I asked him if he asked the pharmacist first if it was ok and I thought he said yes. Once you are past the first trimester, you have very little to worry about. There is no known link between short-term use of intranasal phenylephrine and birth defects or other harm to a pregnancy. Eventually, that reduces the conditions to allow for normal breathing. However, they are used in different forms of Sudafed. Effects like pain and nausea together in combination medications to narrow blood,... Would occur affecting the fetus and causing congenital disabilities in your uterus, which can decrease blood flow avoid. Any medications for pregnant women, causing them much harm less risk than given! 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accidentally took phenylephrine while pregnant